naturalplaygrounds, shade structures

Natural Playgrounds USA Engineered Wood Fiber

Natural playgrounds rely on natural play events like trees, rocks, logs, and more. But kids find a way to trip, tumble, or fall in just about any type of play area.
engineered wood fiber

So, trust your natural playground to a natural protective surfacing material: engineered wood fiber. Engineered wood fiber iis ground down more finely than wood chips; its consistency is somewhere betwen wood chips and sawdust. Here are some other great features:

  • engineered wood fiber is made from the center of trees, not the bark. This makes it soft to fall on, and there are no sharp edges.
  • our fiber is fully certified by the International Playground Equipment Manufacturers' Association (IPEMA). We can provide copies of certification upon request.
  • when engineered wood fiber settles, it forms a surface that is considered wheelchair accessible and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). For your information, engineered wood fiber also goes by the trade names of Wood Rug or Woodcarpet®.


engineered wood fiberOn a standard commercial playground, there must be a minimum of 9 inches of protective surfacing in the use zones. The rules are less certain for natural playgrounds, which are hybrids between parks and commercial playgrounds. We have 5 Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSIs) on our staff, and we believe that any play item that has a playing surface above ground level -- including trees, logs, stumps, and rocks -- should follow these same guidelines. After all, if a kid can fall from it, a kid should be protected from that fall.

Nationally, we deliver engineered wood fiber in any of the 48 continental states. We generally work with commercial-size loads of 90 cubic yards or more, but smaller loads of 60 or 70 cubic yards may be possible in some situations.

engineered wood fiber

If you have any questions about engineered wood fiber on your natural playground, just phone us toll free at (877) 840-0707.

natural playgrounds

305 W. Diamond Ave., Gaithersburg, MD 20877 :: Toll Free (877) 840-0707 :: Local (301) 840-0707 | Commercial Playground Equipment | © 2009